Part III - C: Analyzing Changing Trends in Academia - Journal Trends

3. Journal Dynamics

In the previous notebook, we reviewed how papers' properties and authors' publication behaviors have changed over time. In this notebook, we going to utilize the SJR and MAG datasets to observe how journals' properties have changed over the last two centuries. First, let's load the required packages.

In [1]:
from configs import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
from visualization.visual_utils import *
import turicreate.aggregate as agg
/home/michael/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
  from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters
/home/michael/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ DeprecationWarning: You passed a bytestring as `filenames`. This will not work on Python 3. Use `cp.read_file()` or switch to using Unicode strings across the board.
/home/michael/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/importlib/ DeprecationWarning: The vega3 module is deprecated. Use vega instead.

3.1 Number of Journals over Time

In this section, we will examine how the number of journals has changed over time. Let's start by exploring the number of active journals each year, and also the number of new journals added each year.

In [2]:
j_sf = tc.load_sframe(EXTENDED_PAPERS_SFRAME)['Paper publish year','Journal ID mapped to venue name','Normalized venue name','Original venue name',"Paper ID"]
j_sf = j_sf[j_sf['Journal ID mapped to venue name'] != '']
j_sf = j_sf.rename({"Journal ID mapped to venue name": "Journal ID", 'Paper publish year': "Year"})
Year Journal ID Normalized venue name Original venue name Paper ID
2008 0655F58A icoin international conference
on information networ ...
2012 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
1999 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
1991 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
1993 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
1995 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
1995 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
1995 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
1999 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
2012 08D7401B ppopp acm sigplan symposium on
principles and practice ...
[? rows x 5 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.
In [3]:
g = j_sf.groupby("Year", {"Number of Active Journals": agg.COUNT_DISTINCT("Journal ID")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(g, "Number of Active Journals", 1800, 2014, title="Number of Active Journals over Time (MAG)")                 

In [4]:
j_start_sf = j_sf.groupby('Journal ID', {"Start Year": agg.MIN("Year")})
g = j_start_sf.groupby("Start Year", {"Number of New Journals": agg.COUNT()})
draw_features_yearly_chart(g.rename({"Start Year": "Year"}), "Number of New Journals", 1800, 2014,  title="Number of New Journals over Time (MAG)")

In [5]:
sjr_sf = tc.load_sframe(SJR_SFRAME)["Rank", "Year", "Title", "Type", "SJR", "SJR Best Quartile", "H index","Total Docs.", "Cites / Doc. (2years)"]
sjr_sf = sjr_sf[sjr_sf['Type'] == 'journal']
sjr_sf = sjr_sf.unique()
sf = sjr_sf[sjr_sf["Total Docs."] > 0]
g = sf.groupby("Year", {"Number of Active Journals": agg.COUNT_DISTINCT("Title")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(g, "Number of Active Journals", 1999, 2016, title="Number of Active Journals over Time (SJR)")                 

In [6]:
g = sjr_sf.groupby("Title", {"Start Year": agg.MIN("Year")})
g2 = g.groupby("Start Year", {"Number of New Journals": agg.COUNT()})
# We will skip on the year 1999 that contains journals that were first published before 1999
draw_features_yearly_chart(g2.rename({"Start Year": "Year"}), "Number of New Journals", 2000, 2016, title="Number of New Journals over Time (SJR)")

According to both datasets, there are over 14,000 active journals in each year since 2010, and according to SJR there were 20,975 active journals in 2015. Moreover, in both datasets, we discovered a sharp increase in the number of new journals, followed by a decrease in new journals; in the MAG dataset the decrease started in 2009, and in the SJR dataset it started in 2011. Interestingly enough, according to the SJR dataset, which seems to have more accurate data for the last decade, in 2010 there were 1380 new journals, while in 2015 there were only 352 new journals. We believe that this can be a direct result of the publishing of mega-journals, such as PLOS ONE that changed the academic publications eco-system. However, in 2016 the number of new journals had recovered with 1232 new journals. Nevertheless, the number of active journals has skyrocketed over the last 50 years.

Let's observe the average number of published papers for journals over time using both datasets.

In [7]:
sf = j_sf.groupby(["Journal ID", "Year"], {"Number of Papers": agg.COUNT()})
g = sf.groupby('Year', {"Average Number of Papers": agg.AVG("Number of Papers")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(g, "Average Number of Papers", 1800, 2014, title="Journals' Average Number of Papers (MAG)")

In [8]:
sjr_g = sjr_sf.groupby("Year", {"Average Number of Papers": agg.AVG("Total Docs.")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(sjr_g,  "Average Number of Papers", 1999, 2016, title="Journals' Average Number of Papers (SJR)")

In [9]:
sf = j_sf.groupby(["Journal ID", "Year", 'Original venue name'], {"Number of Papers": agg.COUNT()})
g = sf.groupby('Year', {"Max Number of Papers": agg.MAX("Number of Papers")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(g, "Max Number of Papers", 1800, 2014, title="Maximal Journals' Number of Papers (MAG)")

In [10]:
sjr_g = sjr_sf.groupby("Year", {"Max Number of Papers": agg.MAX("Total Docs.")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(sjr_g, "Max Number of Papers", 1999, 2016, title="Maximal Journals' Number of Papers (SJR)")

In [11]:
sf = sjr_sf[sjr_sf["Year"] == 2014 ]
sf.sort("Total Docs.", ascending=False)['Title', 'Total Docs.']
Title Total Docs.
PLoS ONE 32402
RSC Advances 8476
Journal of Physics:
Conference Series ...
Applied Physics Letters 5022
Physical Review B -
Condensed Matter and ...
Methods in molecular
biology (Clifton, N.J.) ...
Journal of Applied
Physics ...
Proceedings of the
National Academy of ...
Economist 4070
Key Engineering Materials 4065
[22615 rows x 2 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.
In [12]:
sf = sjr_sf[sjr_sf["Year"] == 1999 ]
sf.sort("Total Docs.", ascending=False)['Title', 'Total Docs.']
Title Total Docs.
Journal of Biological
Chemistry ...
Physical Review B -
Condensed Matter and ...
SAE Technical Papers 2902
Lancet 2894
Proceedings of the
National Academy of ...
Journal of Applied
Physics ...
Physical Review Letters 2696
British Medical Journal 2645
Applied Physics Letters 2585
Journal of Chemical
Physics ...
[14321 rows x 2 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.
In [13]:
sf = sjr_sf[sjr_sf["Year"] == 2016 ]
sf = sf[sf["Total Docs."] >= 1000]
Cites / Doc. (2years) H index Rank SJR SJR Best Quartile Title Total Docs.
0.03 7 28587 0.1 Q4 TLS - The Times Literary
Supplement ...
3.5 120 2539 1.363 Q1 Organic and Biomolecular
Chemistry ...
4.76 192 2558 1.357 Q1 Electrochimica Acta 2471
0.89 38 15079 0.23 Q3 Journal of Computational
and Theoretical ...
8.78 176 578 3.051 Q1 Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews ...
4.95 134 1267 1.999 Q1 Energy 1619
3.81 282 2043 1.55 Q1 Langmuir 1542
3.82 85 4918 0.872 Q2 International Journal of
Biological Macromolec ...
2.73 62 5159 0.834 Q1 Materials 1026
3.89 88 1719 1.706 Q2 Molecular Neurobiology 1061
Type Year
journal 2016
journal 2016
journal 2016
journal 2016
journal 2016
journal 2016
journal 2016
journal 2016
journal 2016
journal 2016
[197 rows x 9 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

From above results, not only has the number of active journals sharply increased over the years, but also on average there is an increase in the number of papers published in journals, where there are various high-ranked journals which publish thousands of papers each year.

There are various methods to measure a journal’s success, such as the journal's SJR, impact factor, H-index, journal quartile, etc. Let's try to use the SJR dataset to determine how this measure has changed since 1999. We will start by measuring how the number of papers in each quartile has changed over time.

In [14]:
sf = sjr_sf["Year", "SJR Best Quartile","Total Docs."]
g = sf.groupby(["Year", "SJR Best Quartile"], {"Papers Number": agg.SUM("Total Docs.")})
g = g.sort(["Year", "SJR Best Quartile"])
In [15]:
selected_years = {1999, 2005, 2010,2016}
g2 = g[g["Year"].apply(lambda y: y in selected_years)]
    alt.X('SJR Best Quartile:N', title=""),
    alt.Y("Papers Number:Q",axis=alt.Axis(grid=True)),
    color='SJR Best Quartile:N',

It can be observed that over the last few years the number of papers which were published in Q1 and Q2 journals more than doubled, from 550,109 Q1 papers and 229,373 Q2 papers in 1999, to 1,187,514 Q1 papers and 554,782 Q2 papers in 2016. Let's calculate the percentage of papers in each quartile in 2016:

In [16]:
g3 = g.groupby("Year", {"Total Papers": agg.SUM("Papers Number")})
g3 = g.join(g3,on="Year")
g3["Percentage of Papers"] = g3.apply(lambda r: r['Papers Number']/float(r['Total Papers']))
g3 = g3[g3["Year"] == 2016]
g3 = g3.sort(["Year", "SJR Best Quartile"])
SJR Best Quartile Year Papers Number Total Papers Percentage of Papers
Q1 2016 1187514 2313231 0.513357291165
Q2 2016 554782 2313231 0.239829917548
Q3 2016 371076 2313231 0.160414588945
Q4 2016 199859 2313231 0.0863982023412
[4 rows x 5 columns]

From the above results we can observe that over 51.3% (1.18 million papers) of the published papers were published in Q1 journals, while only 8.6% of the papers were published in Q4. Let's observe how the H-index has changed over the years.

In [17]:
sf = sjr_sf["Year", "H index"]
g = sf.groupby("Year", {"Average H-index": agg.AVG("H index")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(g, "Average H-index", 1999, 2016, title="Average H index over Time (SJR)")

In [18]:
g = sf.groupby("Year", {"H-index List": agg.CONCAT("H index")})
g["Median H-index"] = g["H-index List"].apply(lambda l: np.median(l))
g = g.remove_column("H-index List")
draw_features_yearly_chart(g, "Median H-index", 1999, 2016, title="Median H index over Time (SJR)")

In [19]:
selected_years = {1999, 2003,2007,2011, 2015}
g = sf[sf["Year"].apply(lambda y: y in selected_years )]
s = sns.boxplot(y="Year", x="H index", data=g.to_dataframe(), orient="h")
s.set(xlim=(0, 200))
[(0, 200)]

According to the above charts, we can notice that with time the H-index has decreased, and since 2012 only half of the journals have an H-index equal to or less than 16. This result may indicate that many of the journals have limited impact. Moreover, mega-journals, such as PLOS ONE have a very high H-index value due to the fact that they publish tens of thousands of papers each year. Let's measure how the $\frac{Cites}{Docs} (2years)$ and SJR measures have changed over time.

In [20]:
sf = sjr_sf["Year", "SJR"]
g = sf.groupby("Year", {"Average SJR": agg.AVG("SJR")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(g, "Average SJR", 1999, 2016, title="Average Journals SJR over Time")

In [21]:
selected_years = {1999, 2003,2007,2011, 2015}
g = sf[sf["Year"].apply(lambda y: y in selected_years )]
s = sns.boxplot(y="Year", x="SJR", data=g.to_dataframe(), orient="h")
s.set(xlim=(0, 2))
[(0, 2)]
In [22]:
sf = sjr_sf["Year", "Cites / Doc. (2years)"]
g = sf.groupby("Year", {"Average Cites / Docs": agg.AVG("Cites / Doc. (2years)")})
draw_features_yearly_chart(g, "Average Cites / Docs", 1999, 2016, title="Average Cites/ Docs over Time (SJR)")

In [23]:
selected_years = {1999, 2003,2007,2011, 2015}
g = sf[sf["Year"].apply(lambda y: y in selected_years )]
s = sns.boxplot(y="Year", x="Cites / Doc. (2years)", data=g.to_dataframe(), orient="h")
s.set(xlim=(0, 2))
[(0, 2)]

It can be observed that both the H-index, $\frac{Cites}{Docs} (2years)$, and SJR measures have changed considerably since 1999. While the H-index has decreased sharply, the $\frac{Cites}{Docs}$ has increased sharply over the period of 18 years. These may indicate that these measures are much less effective than in the past to measure journal ranking, especially when taking into consideration the surge in the number of active journals and the emerging of mega-journals. The SJR measure has also changed over the last 18 years. However, as can be seen from the above charts, the change was less dramatic.

In this section, we are going to analyze how various properties have changed in the top-40 journals. Let's start by selecting the top-40 journals.

In [24]:
sf = sjr_sf[sjr_sf["Year"] == 2016]
sf = sf.sort("SJR", ascending=False)[:40]
top_journals_titles = set(sf["Title"])
dtype: str
Rows: 40
['CA - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians', 'Nature Reviews Genetics', 'Nature Reviews Immunology', 'Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology', 'Annual Review of Immunology', 'Cell', 'Quarterly Journal of Economics', 'Reviews of Modern Physics', 'Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics', 'Nature Reviews Cancer', 'Journal of Finance', 'Nature Genetics', 'Nature Biotechnology', 'Annual Review of Biochemistry', 'Nature Methods', 'Chemical Reviews', 'Nature Reviews Neuroscience', 'Nature Nanotechnology', 'Nature', 'Nature Materials', 'Physiological Reviews', 'Immunity', 'Nature Photonics', 'New England Journal of Medicine', 'Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics', 'Chemical Society Reviews', 'Review of Economic Studies', 'Nature Reviews Microbiology', 'Nature Immunology', 'Econometrica', 'MMWR. Recommendations and reports : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control', 'Nature Medicine', 'Nature Cell Biology', 'Nature Neuroscience', 'Advances in Physics', 'Science', 'Cell Stem Cell', 'Journal of Political Economy', 'The Lancet Oncology', 'Molecular Cell']

Let's get these journals’ ISSNs (there can be several ISSNs for each journal) and match them to the journal IDs in the MAG dataset.

In [25]:
sf = tc.load_sframe(SJR_SFRAME)["Title","ISSN"]
sf = sf[sf["ISSN"] != None ]
top_journals_issn = set(sf[sf["Title"].apply(lambda t: t in top_journals_titles)]["ISSN"]) # the journals ISSN over the years

#let's match the top journals to the MAG dataset journals by matching ISSNs and names
join_sf = tc.load_sframe(AMINER_MAG_JOIN_SFRAME)["Original venue name", "Journal ID mapped to venue name", "issn"]
join_sf = join_sf[join_sf["issn"] != None]
join_sf = join_sf[join_sf["issn"] != '']
join_sf = join_sf[join_sf["Journal ID mapped to venue name"] != '']
join_sf["issn"] = join_sf["issn"].apply(lambda issn: issn.replace("-", ""))
join_sf = join_sf[join_sf["issn"].apply(lambda issn: issn in top_journals_issn)]
join_sf = join_sf[join_sf["Original venue name"].apply(lambda t: t in top_journals_titles)]
selected_mag_journals = join_sf["Original venue name", "Journal ID mapped to venue name" ].unique()
Journal ID mapped to
venue name ...
Original venue name
079E7DE4 Nature Methods
07A3050E Cell Stem Cell
008282E5 Nature Reviews Genetics
090B6496 Nature Cell Biology
05B0AD9A Econometrica
003B355D Science
06315123 Nature Materials
00775C57 Nature Nanotechnology
045DDE15 Reviews of Modern Physics
0838449D Nature Genetics
[30 rows x 2 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

At the end of the matching process, we succeeded in matching 30 top journals in the MAG dataset based on their SJR matching ranking. Let's deeply examine how various properties of these journals have changed over time. We will start by looking in general at journal features, such as author’s age, gender, etc., based on all papers in all 30 journals.

In [26]:
top_journal_ids_set = set(selected_mag_journals["Journal ID mapped to venue name"])
mag_sf = tc.load_sframe(EXTENDED_PAPERS_SFRAME)["Paper ID","Journal ID mapped to venue name","Paper publish year", "Ref Number" ]
select_papers_sf = mag_sf[mag_sf["Journal ID mapped to venue name"].apply(lambda i: i in top_journal_ids_set)]
select_papers_sf = select_papers_sf[select_papers_sf["Paper publish year"] <= 2014]
select_papers_sf = select_papers_sf[select_papers_sf["Paper publish year"] >= 1950]
select_papers_sf = select_papers_sf[select_papers_sf["Ref Number"] >= 5]
In [27]:
#Let's load all the papers into a PaperCollection object for analysis
from papers_collection_analyer import *
papers_ids = list(select_papers_sf["Paper ID"])
pc = PapersCollection(papers_ids=papers_ids )
In [28]:
#This can take some time
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # don't print the debugging info
d = pc.calculate_feature_over_time("papers_number", 1950, 2014)
d = d['papers_number']
sf = tc.SFrame({"Year": d.keys(), "Number of Papers": d.values()})
draw_features_yearly_chart(sf, "Number of Papers", 1950, 2014, title="Selected Top Journals Number of Papers (MAG)")                 

In [29]:
d = pc.calculate_feature_over_time("authors_number", 1950, 2014)
d = d['authors_number']
sf = tc.SFrame({"Year": d.keys(), "Number of Authors": d.values()})
draw_features_yearly_chart(sf, "Number of Authors", 1950, 2014, title="Selected Top Journals Number of Authors over Time (MAG)")                 

Let's examine how authors’ average ages have changed over time.

In [30]:
d = pc.calculate_feature_over_time("first_authors_average_age", 1950, 2014)
d = d['first_authors_average_age']
first_sf = tc.SFrame({"Year": d.keys(), "First Authors Average Age": d.values()})

d = pc.calculate_feature_over_time("last_authors_average_age", 1950, 2014)
d = d['last_authors_average_age']
last_sf = tc.SFrame({"Year": d.keys(), "Last Authors Average Age": d.values()})

sf = first_sf.join(last_sf, on="Year", how="left")
draw_features_yearly_chart_multi_lines(sf, "Author Sequence", "Average Academic Age", 1950, 2014, title="Authors Average Academic Age in Top Journals over Time")                 

In [31]:
d = pc.calculate_feature_over_time("percentage_of_papers_with_first_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue", 1950, 2014)
d = d['percentage_of_papers_with_first_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue']
first_sf = tc.SFrame({"Year": d.keys(), "First Authors Return Percentage": d.values()})

d = pc.calculate_feature_over_time("percentage_of_papers_with_last_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue", 1950, 2014)
d = d['percentage_of_papers_with_last_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue']
last_sf = tc.SFrame({"Year": d.keys(), "Last Authors Return Percentage": d.values()})

sf = first_sf.join(last_sf, on="Year", how="left")
draw_features_yearly_chart_multi_lines(sf, "Author Sequence", "Return Authors Percentage", 1950, 2014, title="Percentage of Top-Journal Papers by Returning Authors")                 

From the above charts, we can observe that the average age of first and last author that published in the top-30 journals we selected increased sharply. For example, in 1990 the average academic age of last authors who published papers in these journals was 7.89 years, while in 2014 it was 18.35 years. A similar observation can be made regarding returning authors; in 1990 38% of papers' last authors had published in these top journals before, while in 2014 the percentage jumped to 46.2%. It worthwhile to take into consideration that not all of these top-30 journals were as highly ranked in 1990 as they have become in recent years. Let's observe similar statistics, this time on each journal separately, using the Venue class.

In [32]:
#Let's get venues details
sf = VENUE_FETCHER.get_valid_venues_papers_ids_sframe(min_ref_number=5, min_journal_papers_num=50) 
sf = sf.join(selected_mag_journals, on='Journal ID mapped to venue name')
Journal ID mapped to
venue name ...
Count Journal name Paper IDs List Original venue name
0590C518 1035 nature reviews immunology [7D640933, 765F2C22,
7700AA0B, 76190870, ...
Nature Reviews Immunology
06954C9D 17034 cell [7D51DD43, 7597ABFA,
76E80A08, 772565EE, ...
079E7DE4 1766 nature methods [7E51EE0D, 76C89A04,
778D8956, 7728C2C7, ...
Nature Methods
0004D416 3009 chemical society reviews [77A3264A, 7D75A048,
7DA181DF, 755B4EBF, ...
Chemical Society Reviews
05B0AD9A 941 econometrica [7E4970EC, 77F51B50,
77C77C9D, 76E42D63, ...
045DDE15 90 reviews of modern physics [7F807BDE, 791B915D,
7E731DEA, 7D019254, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics
0C1D733E 5180 nature medicine [766B176F, 7561AF20,
69494EC8, 7EA45985, ...
Nature Medicine
00775C57 1238 nature nanotechnology [76E1BD47, 75AB81CE,
7721BDEE, 7E59160D, ...
Nature Nanotechnology
0335D7A3 580 annual review of
biochemistry ...
[76993443, 757A2205,
7E6135BE, 7F26BFAB, ...
Annual Review of
Biochemistry ...
0362BB51 1014 nature reviews
microbiology ...
[76FA8E47, 75BCFB6F,
7590F85A, 75B375B6, ...
Nature Reviews
Microbiology ...
[30 rows x 5 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.
In [33]:
from venue import Venue
venue_dict = {}

#create dict with venue object
for r in sf:
    venue_id = r['Journal ID mapped to venue name']
    venue_name = r["Original venue name"]
    papers_ids = r['Paper IDs List']
    venue_dict[venue_name] = Venue(venue_id=venue_id, venue_name=venue_name, papers_ids=papers_ids)

#Get selected journal features dict
features_dict = {}
features_list = ['papers_number', 
                 'authors_average_age', 'first_authors_average_age', 'last_authors_average_age', 

#Create a feature sframe
features_dict = {
    'Venue Name': [],
    'Feature Name': [],
    'Year': [],
    'Value': []
for n, v in venue_dict.iteritems():
    for f in features_list:
        d = v.calculate_feature_over_time(f, 1980, 2014)[f]
        for y,val in d.iteritems():
            features_dict['Venue Name'].append(n)
            features_dict['Feature Name'].append(f)
sf = tc.SFrame(features_dict)

2018-07-21 01:21:57,055 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0590C518, venue_name=Nature Reviews Immunology, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,059 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Reviews Immunology, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,075 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 1035 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,077 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=06954C9D, venue_name=Cell, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,079 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Cell, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,086 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 17034 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,087 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=079E7DE4, venue_name=Nature Methods, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,089 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Methods, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,095 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 1766 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,096 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0004D416, venue_name=Chemical Society Reviews, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,098 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Chemical Society Reviews, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,105 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 3009 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,107 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=05B0AD9A, venue_name=Econometrica, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,108 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Econometrica, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 941 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=045DDE15, venue_name=Reviews of Modern Physics, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Reviews of Modern Physics, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 90 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,120 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0C1D733E, venue_name=Nature Medicine, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,121 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Medicine, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,123 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 5180 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,125 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=00775C57, venue_name=Nature Nanotechnology, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,127 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Nanotechnology, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,129 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 1238 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,131 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0335D7A3, venue_name=Annual Review of Biochemistry, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,132 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Annual Review of Biochemistry, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,135 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 580 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,137 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0362BB51, venue_name=Nature Reviews Microbiology, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,139 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Reviews Microbiology, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,142 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 1014 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,144 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=06602205, venue_name=Nature Biotechnology, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,146 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Biotechnology, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,150 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 3970 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,152 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=07A3050E, venue_name=Cell Stem Cell, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,153 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Cell Stem Cell, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,156 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 1484 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,157 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0C1A11AA, venue_name=Physiological Reviews, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,159 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Physiological Reviews, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,163 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 591 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,165 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=094F8C39, venue_name=Molecular Cell, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,166 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Molecular Cell, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,169 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 6013 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,170 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=003B355D, venue_name=Science, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,172 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Science, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,174 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 10266 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,175 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=06808EAB, venue_name=Annual Review of Immunology, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,177 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Annual Review of Immunology, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,179 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 667 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,181 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0051B0BB, venue_name=Journal of Finance, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,182 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Journal of Finance, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,186 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 2117 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,188 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=090B6496, venue_name=Nature Cell Biology, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,189 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Cell Biology, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,191 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 2671 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,193 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=06315123, venue_name=Nature Materials, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,195 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Materials, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,197 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 2059 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,199 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0272941D, venue_name=Nature Immunology, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,201 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Immunology, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,203 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 2639 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,205 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0273CB94, venue_name=Chemical Reviews, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,206 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Chemical Reviews, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,209 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 958 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,210 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0838449D, venue_name=Nature Genetics, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,212 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Genetics, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,215 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 5354 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,216 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0BB9C59D, venue_name=Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,217 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,220 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 1108 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,221 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=00231308, venue_name=Nature Neuroscience, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,223 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Neuroscience, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,225 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 3812 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,227 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=072D0A17, venue_name=Nature Photonics, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,229 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Photonics, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,237 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 961 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,239 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=008282E5, venue_name=Nature Reviews Genetics, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,240 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Reviews Genetics, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,243 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 1068 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,245 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0BE6BE10, venue_name=Immunity, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,246 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Immunity, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,249 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 3947 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,251 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=08364228, venue_name=Nature, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,252 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,255 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 32536 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,257 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=0C26A825, venue_name=Quarterly Journal of Economics, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,258 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Quarterly Journal of Economics, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,261 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 462 papers
2018-07-21 01:21:57,262 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcting a Venue object with the following params venue_id=01999853, venue_name=Nature Reviews Neuroscience, issn_list=() 
2018-07-21 01:21:57,264 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Get SJR data of venue_name=Nature Reviews Neuroscience, issn_list=()
2018-07-21 01:21:57,266 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Consturcted a Venue object with 954 papers
/home/michael/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  avg = a.mean(axis)
/home/michael/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)

We created a features SFrame, and now we can see how each feature changed over time across all the selected top-ranked journals.

In [34]:
def draw_journal_feature(sf, features_set, hue=None, sharex=False, sharey=False, xlabel="Year", ylabel='',
    sf = sf[sf['Feature Name'].apply(lambda s: s in features_set)]

    if hue_dict is not None:
         sf['Feature Name'] = sf['Feature Name'].apply(lambda f: hue_dict[f] if f in hue_dict else f)
    sf = sf.sort(["Venue Name", "Year", 'Feature Name'])
    df = sf.to_dataframe()
    if hue is None:
        c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="Venue Name", sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, col_wrap=5)
        c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="Venue Name", hue=hue, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Value", alpha=.7).set_titles("{col_name}")
    if hue is not None:
    c.set_axis_labels(xlabel, ylabel)
draw_journal_feature(sf, {"papers_number"}, ylabel='Papers Number')
In [35]:
featurens_names_labels = {'authors_average_age': "All Authors", 'first_authors_average_age': 'First Authors',
                        'last_authors_average_age': 'Last Authors'}
draw_journal_feature(sf, {'authors_average_age', 'first_authors_average_age', 'last_authors_average_age'}, ylabel='Average Age', hue="Feature Name", hue_dict=featurens_names_labels)
In [36]:
featurens_names_labels = {'percentage_of_papers_with_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue': 'At least One Return Author',
 "percentage_of_papers_with_first_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue": 'Return First Author',
 "percentage_of_papers_with_last_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue": ' Return Last Author'}

draw_journal_feature(sf, {'percentage_of_papers_with_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue', 'percentage_of_papers_with_first_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue', 'percentage_of_papers_with_last_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue'}, ylabel='Percentage of Papers', hue="Feature Name", hue_dict=featurens_names_labels)
In [37]:
x = sf[sf["Feature Name"] == 'percentage_of_papers_with_authors_that_publish_before_in_the_same_venue']
x = x[x["Venue Name"] == "Nature Genetics"]
Feature Name Value Venue Name Year
_authors_that_publish ...
0.0 Nature Genetics 1992
_authors_that_publish ...
0.337719298246 Nature Genetics 1993
_authors_that_publish ...
0.542372881356 Nature Genetics 1994
_authors_that_publish ...
0.525547445255 Nature Genetics 1995
_authors_that_publish ...
0.578595317726 Nature Genetics 1996
_authors_that_publish ...
0.546979865772 Nature Genetics 1997
_authors_that_publish ...
0.644329896907 Nature Genetics 1998
_authors_that_publish ...
0.66091954023 Nature Genetics 1999
_authors_that_publish ...
0.681415929204 Nature Genetics 2000
_authors_that_publish ...
0.668604651163 Nature Genetics 2001
[? rows x 4 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.
In [38]:
x[x["Year"] == 2014]
Feature Name Value Venue Name Year
_authors_that_publish ...
0.866071428571 Nature Genetics 2014
[? rows x 4 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.

From the above charts, we can observe that over the years most of the top journals have published more papers each year. Additionally, in all the selected journals the average career age of the published authors increased over the years. For example, the average career age of last authors in Nature journal increased from about 5 years in 1980 to about 17.5 years in 2014. Moreover, the percentage of papers with returning authors has increased sharply in recent years. For example, in Cell journal, in 2010, about 80% of all papers included at least one author who published in the journal before, while in 1980 this rate stood at less than 40%.