Part III - D: Analyzing Changing Trends in Academia - Research Fields

4. Research Field Dynamics

The MAG dataset links keywords and their corresponding field of study. Moreover, the dataset provides us with hierarchical data that links these research fields with their parent research fields in up to 4 levels (L0-L3). In this notebook, we will use the research field data to better understand how various fields of study change over time. First, as in previous notebooks, let's load the required Python packages.

In [1]:
from configs import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
from visualization.visual_utils import *
import turicreate.aggregate as agg
FIELD_OF_STUDY_HIERARCHY = "%s/FieldOfStudyHierarchy.sframe" % SFRAMES_BASE_DIR

def normalize_features_dict(feature_dict, start_year):
    d = {}
    feature_dict = {(y - start_year):v for y,v in feature_dict.iteritems()}
    return feature_dict

def get_values_sum_by_year_dict(d, max_keys):
    d2 = {}
    for i in range(max_keys):
        d2[i] = sum([v for k,v in d.iteritems() if k <= i])
    return d2 

fields_sf = tc.load_sframe(EXTENDED_PAPERS_SFRAME)["Paper ID", "Paper publish year","Fields of study parent list names (L0)", 
                                                   "Fields of study parent list (L1)", "Fields of study parent list names (L1)",
                                                    "Fields of study parent list (L2)", "Fields of study parent list names (L2)",
                                                   "Ref Number", "Authors Number", "Total Citations by Year"]
fields_sf = fields_sf.rename({"Paper publish year": "Year"})
fields_sf = filter_sframe_by_years(fields_sf, 1850, 2010)
fields_sf = fields_sf[fields_sf["Fields of study parent list names (L0)"] != None]
fields_sf = fields_sf[fields_sf["Fields of study parent list names (L0)"].apply(lambda l: len(l) <= 10)] # remove papers that belong to more than 10 fields
fields_sf = fields_sf[fields_sf["Ref Number"] >= 5]
/home/michael/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
  from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters
/home/michael/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ DeprecationWarning: You passed a bytestring as `filenames`. This will not work on Python 3. Use `cp.read_file()` or switch to using Unicode strings across the board.
/home/michael/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/importlib/ DeprecationWarning: The vega3 module is deprecated. Use vega instead.

Let's create SFrame with the information on all L0 fields of study.

In [2]:
# Creating the L0 SFrame
l0_sf = fields_sf["Paper ID", "Year","Fields of study parent list names (L0)", "Authors Number", "Ref Number","Total Citations by Year"].stack("Fields of study parent list names (L0)", new_column_name="L0 Field")
l0_sf = l0_sf[l0_sf["L0 Field"] != None]
Paper ID Year Authors Number Ref Number Total Citations by Year L0 Field
7CFE299E 2009 4 14 {'2015': 10.0, '2014':
9.0, '2011': 3.0, '20 ...
Computer Science
7CFE299E 2009 4 14 {'2015': 10.0, '2014':
9.0, '2011': 3.0, '20 ...
7CFE299E 2009 4 14 {'2015': 10.0, '2014':
9.0, '2011': 3.0, '20 ...
7CFE299E 2009 4 14 {'2015': 10.0, '2014':
9.0, '2011': 3.0, '20 ...
59BEBE1C 2008 3 7 None Mathematics
5873C011 2002 3 8 {'2003': 1.0, '2006':
3.0, '2007': 3.0, '20 ...
Computer Science
5C66D743 2009 2 9 {'2015': 1.0, '2014':
1.0} ...
Computer Science
5C66D743 2009 2 9 {'2015': 1.0, '2014':
1.0} ...
584D8787 2009 2 9 None Computer Science
584D8787 2009 2 9 None Sociology
[16006966 rows x 6 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Now let's explore how the various trends change in each research field, and we will add an SFrame which includes all the L1 research fields under Biology.

In [3]:
# Creating Biology L1 Sframe
f_sf = tc.load_sframe(FIELDS_OF_STUDY_SFRAME)
bio_id = f_sf[f_sf["Field of study name"] == "Biology"]["Field of study ID"][0]
h_sf = tc.load_sframe(FIELD_OF_STUDY_HIERARCHY)
h_sf = h_sf[h_sf["Parent field of study ID"] == bio_id]
bio_l1_ids = set(h_sf[h_sf["Child field of study level"] == "L1"]["Child field of study ID"])
bio_l1_names_sf = f_sf[f_sf["Field of study ID"].apply(lambda i: i in bio_l1_ids)]
bio_l1_dict = {r["Field of study ID"]: r["Field of study name"] for r in bio_l1_names_sf}

sf = fields_sf["Paper ID", "Year","Fields of study parent list names (L0)", "Fields of study parent list (L1)", "Authors Number", "Ref Number", "Total Citations by Year"]
l1_bio_sframe = sf[sf["Fields of study parent list (L1)"] != None]
l1_bio_sframe = l1_bio_sframe.stack("Fields of study parent list (L1)", new_column_name="L1 Field ID" )
l1_bio_sframe = l1_bio_sframe[l1_bio_sframe["L1 Field ID"].apply(lambda i: i in bio_l1_ids)]
l1_bio_sframe = l1_bio_sframe[l1_bio_sframe["L1 Field ID"] != None]
l1_bio_sframe["L1 Field"] = l1_bio_sframe["L1 Field ID"].apply(lambda i: bio_l1_dict[i])
Paper ID Year Fields of study parent
list names (L0) ...
Authors Number Ref Number Total Citations by Year L1 Field ID
5873C011 2002 [Computer Science] 3 8 {'2003': 1.0, '2006':
3.0, '2007': 3.0, '20 ...
59803B73 2006 [Computer Science,
Chemistry, Biology, ...
4 6 None 033D6521
5ED460A9 2009 [Computer Science,
Mathematics, Biology] ...
1 24 None 033D6521
7D75F10B 2008 [Computer Science,
Biology, Psychology] ...
2 10 None 0B170D53
8050742A 2008 [Geology, Mathematics,
Chemistry, Computer ...
2 20 None 033D6521
7F0016FA 2008 [Computer Science,
Medicine, Engineering, ...
3 5 {'2015': 10.0, '2014':
8.0, '2009': 1.0, '20 ...
66CAB1C0 2002 [Computer Science,
Biology] ...
5 12 None 01207101
5F656C25 2009 [Computer Science,
Mathematics, Biology] ...
3 14 None 00640F05
5F656C25 2009 [Computer Science,
Mathematics, Biology] ...
3 14 None 033D6521
7D34E03C 2007 [Computer Science,
Physics, Mathematics, ...
3 5 {'2015': 1.0, '2014':
1.0, '2013': 1.0, '20 ...
L1 Field
Biological system
[3774243 rows x 8 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.
In [4]:
# Creating Biology L2 Sframe for 
gen_id = f_sf[f_sf["Field of study name"] == "Genetics"]["Field of study ID"][0]
h_sf = tc.load_sframe(FIELD_OF_STUDY_HIERARCHY)
h_sf = h_sf[h_sf["Parent field of study ID"] == gen_id]
gen_l2_ids = set(h_sf[h_sf["Child field of study level"] == "L2"]["Child field of study ID"])
gen_l2_names_sf = f_sf[f_sf["Field of study ID"].apply(lambda i: i in gen_l2_ids)]
gen_l2_dict = {r["Field of study ID"]: r["Field of study name"] for r in gen_l2_names_sf}

sf = fields_sf["Paper ID", "Year", "Fields of study parent list (L2)", "Authors Number", "Ref Number", "Total Citations by Year"]
l2_gen_sframe = sf[sf["Fields of study parent list (L2)"] != None]
l2_gen_sframe = l2_gen_sframe.stack("Fields of study parent list (L2)", new_column_name="L2 Field ID" )
l2_gen_sframe = l2_gen_sframe[l2_gen_sframe["L2 Field ID"].apply(lambda i: i in gen_l2_ids)]
l2_gen_sframe = l2_gen_sframe[l2_gen_sframe["L2 Field ID"] != None]
l2_gen_sframe["L2 Field"] = l2_gen_sframe["L2 Field ID"].apply(lambda i: gen_l2_dict[i])
Paper ID Year Authors Number Ref Number Total Citations by Year L2 Field ID L2 Field
5ED460A9 2009 1 24 None 027301DC Epigenetics
8050742A 2008 2 20 None 0B470EAF Genomics
5C698B6E 2005 2 8 None 027301DC Epigenetics
8178E2AA 2006 5 7 None 093D58AF Plant breeding
7C55455E 2006 6 6 {'2007': 1.0, '2015':
7.0, '2014': 7.0, '20 ...
0AE98092 Developmental biology
0856E642 2007 2 5 None 0B470EAF Genomics
6FE194EC 2010 2 10 None 0B470EAF Genomics
7FBD2C55 2008 3 19 None 027301DC Epigenetics
81112497 2008 3 9 None 0B470EAF Genomics
5AE8B595 2006 3 17 None 027301DC Epigenetics
[1158261 rows x 7 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

4.1 Number of Papers over Time

In [5]:
g = l0_sf.groupby(["Year", "L0 Field"], {"Number of Papers": agg.COUNT()})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L0 Field", "Year"])
chart = alt.Chart(df).mark_line().encode(
    alt.X('Year:Q', axis=alt.Axis(format='d'), scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)),
    alt.Y('Number of Papers:Q', scale=alt.Scale(zero=False)),
    color="L0 Field"

In [6]:
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L0 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Number of Papers", alpha=.7).set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f11d0040a90>
In [7]:
g[g["Year"] == 2010].sort("Number of Papers").print_rows(30)
|        L0 Field       | Year | Number of Papers |
|   Political Science   | 2010 |       728        |
|        Business       | 2010 |       3271       |
| Environmental science | 2010 |       3330       |
|        History        | 2010 |       5684       |
|          Art          | 2010 |       7800       |
|       Philosophy      | 2010 |      12369       |
|       Geography       | 2010 |      13784       |
|   Materials Science   | 2010 |      39906       |
|        Geology        | 2010 |      46771       |
|       Sociology       | 2010 |      54722       |
|      Engineering      | 2010 |      82027       |
|       Economics       | 2010 |      89621       |
|       Psychology      | 2010 |      90680       |
|       Chemistry       | 2010 |      152047      |
|    Computer Science   | 2010 |      182192      |
|      Mathematics      | 2010 |      195244      |
|        Medicine       | 2010 |      196543      |
|        Physics        | 2010 |      221595      |
|        Biology        | 2010 |      231756      |
[19 rows x 3 columns]

We can observe that some fields such as Medicine, Physics, and CS had a surge in the number of papers, while other fields such as Political Science, Art, and Philosophy only had limited growth. Let's see what the number of papers over time are for various Biology subfields.

In [8]:
g = l1_bio_sframe.groupby(["Year", "L1 Field"], {"Number of Papers": agg.COUNT()})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L1 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L1 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Number of Papers", alpha=.7, color='g').set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f11701e9b50>

From the above chart, we can observe that the various subfields of Biology have a large difference in the number of published papers. For example, in Genetics more than 114,532 papers were published in 2010, while in Virology the number of papers was only 2,597.

In [9]:
g = l2_gen_sframe.groupby(["Year", "L2 Field"], {"Number of Papers": agg.COUNT()})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L2 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L2 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Number of Papers", alpha=.7, color="orange").set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f11d0040950>

4.2 Number of Authors over Time

Let's measure the average number of authors over time for the various research fields.

In [10]:
g = l0_sf.groupby(["Year", "L0 Field"], {"Average Number of Authors": agg.AVG("Authors Number")})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L0 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L0 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average Number of Authors", alpha=.7).set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f11481f3310>

We can observe that across all research fields the average number of authors has increased sharply over the last century. However, while the average number of authors in Medicine and Biology is over 5 authors, in fields such as Political Science, Sociology, and Philosophy the average number of authors is about 3. Let's now observe how the average number of authors in Biology subfields has changed over time.

In [11]:
g = l1_bio_sframe.groupby(["Year", "L1 Field"], {"Average Number of Authors": agg.AVG("Authors Number")})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L1 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L1 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average Number of Authors", alpha=.7,color='g').set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f11702c9390>
In [12]:
g = l2_gen_sframe.groupby(["Year", "L2 Field"], {"Average Number of Authors": agg.AVG("Authors Number")})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L2 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L2 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average Number of Authors", alpha=.7, color="orange").set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f10a18ba590>

We can also observe a wide diversity in the average number of authors in various Biology subfields.

4.3 Number of References over Time

Let's calculate the average number of references in the L0 research fields, and in the Biology subfields.

In [13]:
g = l0_sf.groupby(["Year", "L0 Field"], {"Average References Number": agg.AVG("Ref Number")})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L0 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L0 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average References Number", alpha=.7).set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f11504abe10>

It seems that across all the research fields the average number of references per paper has increased sharply in recent years. However, there are research fields, such as Biology, in which the average number of references is above 30, while in other fields, such as Mathematics, the average number of references is about 20. Let's observe what the average number of references is in Biology subfields:

In [14]:
g = l1_bio_sframe.groupby(["Year", "L1 Field"], {"Average References Number": agg.AVG("Ref Number")})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L1 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L1 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average References Number", alpha=.7, color="g").set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f107014b250>

As in previous results, we can observe that the average number of references has considerably increased over all the Biology subfields. However, while papers in some subfields increased to over 40 references, papers in other subfields had many fewer references.

In [15]:
g = l2_gen_sframe.groupby(["Year", "L2 Field"], {"Average References Number": agg.AVG("Ref Number")})
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L2 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L2 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average References Number", alpha=.7,color="orange").set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f10483e5050>

4.4 Number of Citations over Time

Let's calculate the average and median number of citationsin the L0 research fields, and in the Biology subfields.

In [16]:
def citations_after_years(citations_dict, year, after_years=5):
    if citations_dict is None:
        return 0
    l = [v for k,v in citations_dict.iteritems() if (int(k) <= (year + after_years))] # it is about 5-6 years 
    if len(l) == 0:
        return 0
    return max(l)

l0_sf['Total Ciations After 5 Years'] = l0_sf.apply(lambda r: citations_after_years(r['Total Citations by Year'],
                                                                                   r["Year"], 5))

g = l0_sf.groupby(["Year", "L0 Field"], {"Average Citations after 5 Years": agg.AVG('Total Ciations After 5 Years'), 
                                         "Citations after 5 Years List": agg.CONCAT('Total Ciations After 5 Years')})
g["Median Citations after 5 Years"] = g["Citations after 5 Years List"].apply(lambda l: np.median(l))
g = g.remove_column("Citations after 5 Years List")
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L0 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L0 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Median Citations after 5 Years", alpha=.7).set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f103c07d150>
In [17]:
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L0 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average Citations after 5 Years", alpha=.7).set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f11482d9dd0>
In [18]:
l1_bio_sframe['Total Ciations After 5 Years'] = l1_bio_sframe.apply(lambda r: citations_after_years(r['Total Citations by Year'],
                                                                                   r["Year"], 5))

g = l1_bio_sframe.groupby(["Year", "L1 Field"], {"Average Citations after 5 Years": agg.AVG('Total Ciations After 5 Years'),
                                                 "Citations after 5 Years List": agg.CONCAT('Total Ciations After 5 Years')
g["Median Citations after 5 Years"] = g["Citations after 5 Years List"].apply(lambda l: np.median(l))
g = g.remove_column("Citations after 5 Years List")
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L1 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L1 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average Citations after 5 Years", alpha=.7,color="g").set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f10347c9a10>
In [19]:
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L1 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Median Citations after 5 Years", alpha=.7,color="g").set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f102df61d50>
In [20]:
l2_gen_sframe['Total Ciations After 5 Years'] = l2_gen_sframe.apply(lambda r: citations_after_years(r['Total Citations by Year'],
                                                                                   r["Year"], 5))

g = l2_gen_sframe.groupby(["Year", "L2 Field"], {"Average Citations after 5 Years": agg.AVG('Total Ciations After 5 Years'),
                                                 "Citations after 5 Years List": agg.CONCAT('Total Ciations After 5 Years')
g["Median Citations after 5 Years"] = g["Citations after 5 Years List"].apply(lambda l: np.median(l))
g = g.remove_column("Citations after 5 Years List")
df = g.to_dataframe()
df = df.sort_values(["L2 Field", "Year"])
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L2 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Average Citations after 5 Years", alpha=.7,color="orange").set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f102c52d190>
In [21]:
c = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="L2 Field", sharex=True, sharey=True, col_wrap=5), "Year", "Median Citations after 5 Years", alpha=.7,color="orange").set_titles("{col_name}")
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f102c493a10>
In [22]:
l3_fields_sf = tc.load_sframe(EXTENDED_PAPERS_SFRAME)["Paper ID", "Paper publish year",
                                                    'Fields of study parent list (L3)',
                                                   "Ref Number", "Authors Number", "Total Citations by Year"]
l3_fields_sf = l3_fields_sf.rename({"Paper publish year": "Year"})
l3_fields_sf = l3_fields_sf[l3_fields_sf['Fields of study parent list (L3)'] != None]
l3_fields_sf = l3_fields_sf[l3_fields_sf['Fields of study parent list (L3)'].apply(lambda l: len(l) <= 100)] # remove papers that belong to more than 10 fields
l3_fields_sf = l3_fields_sf[l3_fields_sf["Ref Number"] >= 5]
In [23]:
l3_fields_sf = filter_sframe_by_years(l3_fields_sf, 2009, 2009)
l3_fields_sf =  l3_fields_sf.stack("Fields of study parent list (L3)", new_column_name="L3 Field ID")
l3_fields_sf = l3_fields_sf[l3_fields_sf['Total Citations by Year'] != None]
l3_fields_sf['Citations After 5 Years'] = l3_fields_sf.apply(lambda r: citations_after_years(r['Total Citations by Year'],
                                                                                   r["Year"], 5))
In [24]:
sf = l3_fields_sf["Paper ID","Year", "Authors Number","Citations After 5 Years", "L3 Field ID" ]
g = sf.groupby("L3 Field ID", { "Papers Number": agg.COUNT_DISTINCT("Paper ID"),
                                "Average Author Number": agg.AVG("Authors Number"),
                               "Citations After 5-years List": agg.CONCAT("Citations After 5 Years"),
                               "MAX Citations After 5-years": agg.MAX("Citations After 5 Years")
g = g[g["Papers Number"] >= 100] # selecting only L3 fields with at least 100 cited papers in 2009
g["Median Citations After 5-years"] = g["Citations After 5-years List"].apply(lambda l: round(np.median(l),2))
h = tc.load_sframe(FIELDS_OF_STUDY_SFRAME)
g = g.join(h, on={'L3 Field ID': 'Field of study ID'})
h2 = h2[h2['Child field of study level'] == "L3"]
h2 = h2[h2['Parent field of study level'] == "L0"]
h2 = h2[h2['Confidence'] >= 0.95]
g = g.join(h2, on={'L3 Field ID': 'Child field of study ID'})
g = g.join(h, on={"Parent field of study ID": 'Field of study ID' })
g = g.rename({"Field of study name.1": "Parent Field of Study"})
g = g["Parent Field of Study", "Field of study name", "Median Citations After 5-years", "MAX Citations After 5-years", "Papers Number", "Average Author Number" ]
g["MAX Citations After 5-years"] = g["MAX Citations After 5-years"].apply(lambda i: int(i))
g["Average Author Number"] = g["Average Author Number"].apply(lambda i: round(i,2))
g = g.sort(["Parent Field of Study", "Median Citations After 5-years"])
In [25]:
# Save to file
#html = g.to_dataframe().to_html()
#file(u'/mnt/data/fields_stat.html', 'wb').write(html.encode('utf8'))
Parent Field of Study Field of study name Median Citations After
5-years ...
MAX Citations After
5-years ...
Papers Number Average Author Number
Art Publication 4.0 100 164 3.38
Art Etching 4.0 124 285 5.35
Art Video 4.5 72 170 3.48
Art Music 5.0 204 479 2.83
Art Clothing 5.0 72 123 3.86
Art Film 5.0 252 857 4.11
Art Physical model 6.0 147 452 3.77
Art Conceptual design 6.0 51 184 4.39
Art Photography 8.0 158 201 3.7
Art Performance 9.0 473 1467 4.08
[2673 rows x 6 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.
In [26]:
g.sort("Median Citations After 5-years", ascending=True)
Parent Field of Study Field of study name Median Citations After
5-years ...
MAX Citations After
5-years ...
Papers Number Average Author Number
Mathematics Finite impulse response 2.0 167 337 3.0
Computer Science Pixel 2.0 380 2484 3.27
Computer Science Ontology 2.0 616 733 3.35
Computer Science Mesh networking 2.0 62 274 3.43
Computer Science Camera resectioning 2.0 43 114 3.13
Computer Science Session Initiation
Protocol ...
2.0 116 100 3.6
Chemistry Gallium 2.0 73 484 3.43
Mathematics Presentation of a group 2.0 91 706 3.22
Mathematics Spiral 2.0 80 122 3.65
Mathematics Block code 2.0 54 281 2.83
[2673 rows x 6 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.
In [27]:
s = sns.boxplot(y="Parent Field of Study", x="Median Citations After 5-years", data=g.to_dataframe(), orient="h")
s.set(xlabel='L3 Subfields Median Citations After 5-Years')
[Text(0.5,0,u'L3 Subfields Median Citations After 5-Years')]

As in previous results, we can observe that the average/median number of citaitons have considerably increased over all the Biology subfields. However, as can be observed from the above resutls, different research domains have different average and median number of citations.

Overall, in our analysis, we discovered that different domains had a wide range of properties that evolved differently over time.